Spicy curry powder, creamy sweet potatoes, and rich peanut butter come together for comforting and satisfying African Curry Sweet Potato Plant-Based Peanut Butter Soup. Inspired by the “groundnut” stews of Ghana in West Africa, you’ll love those balance of flavors in this healthy, vegan recipe.
Soups & Stews
Chipotle Black Bean Soup
Easy| Servings: 8| Ready In: 90 minutes + Soaking | Yield: 10 Cups Smoky, creamy, satisfying black bean soup — there’s nothing quite like it. This easy, healthy, fat-free vegan recipe gets smoky spice from dried chipotle peppers and Mexican flavors from cumin and marjoram. Packed with healthy vegetarian protein and gluten-free
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Desserts & Baked Goods
1 Minute Vegan Chocolate Sauce
Easy| Servings: 2 | Ready In: 2 minutes | Yield: 1 cup Chocolate Sauce + 12 Pineapple Spears Make this warm, satisfying vegan chocolate sauce in just 1 minute. Chef Katie shows you how to amp up the natural sweetness of a banana for this healthy, naturally-sweetened, fat-free dessert. Enjoy this recipe on its
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Desserts & Baked Goods
Spicy Mexican Chocolate Sauce with Pineapple
Easy| Servings: 10| Ready In: 4 minutes | Yield: 1 cup Chocolate Sauce + 12 Pineapple Spears This vegan Chocolate Sauce recipe gets some Mexican spice with cinnamon and chipotle powder. Natural sweetness from dates and a side of pineapple make this a healthy, satisfying treat. It’s gluten-free, oil-free, with no added sugars or