My study abroad in Ghana in 2002 ignited a love for travel. I flew 5500 miles away to get far from home but I discovered that healing requires examination, forgiveness, and freedom. It was the first time my heart was ripped open.
Letting Go of Perfection: Why Yoga is “Practice”… not “Perfect”
As the seasons change from summer to fall, the trees shed their leaves. They let go of bright, colorful life, in the hopes of rejuvenation. It is a reminder to me to let go of some of the pressure I place on myself: Let go of the things that no longer serve me so that
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Is My Heart Open? How travel has allowed me to shed the things that weigh me down
I booked my trip to Guatemala 2 months after my heart was broken. In one quick phone call, my hopes of forever-love were torn down. 19 months of “together” dissolved in less than 19 minutes. A week-long yoga retreat to Guatemala brought me to sit in a circle with strangers and wonder “Is My Heart Open?”