An easy change towards a healthy, plant-based lifestyle? Eat more fruit. Fruit is a healthy , whole foods source of vitamins, fiber, and natural sweetness. It is full of antioxidants and satisfies that sweet craving.
Why Plants Rule
Step Two: Add Some Beans, An Easy Change towards a Healthy, Plant-Based Life
A simple step to get healthier right now? Add some beans! Just 1 cup of beans a day can help you lose weight, improve digestion, boost your iron, and improve heart health.
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Why Plants Rule
Plant-Based 101: What is a Plant-Based Diet?
There are many reasons to try a plant-based diet. All of them are good motivation. It’s a big first step to acknowledge that you want to change. But how do you do it?
This is your guide to Plant-Based 101. Learn the basics on how to change, what to eat, and some easy recipes to get you started.
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Why Plants Rule
Is 90% Good Enough? What we can learn from the Reducetarian Approach and Blue Zones about Vegan Diets
Is 90% Good Enough? Sometimes the idea of a 100% vegan diet can seem so overwhelming that it detracts us from the big picture. The all-or-nothing approach might appeal to some, especially those of us who thrive off of extremes and set boundaries. However, the totally plant-based lifestyle is foreign to our traditional Standard American
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Why Plants Rule
My Responsibilities as a Chef Part Three: Pushing the Limits
As a student in culinary school, I first learned how to develop delicious flavor. I learned to let nothing go to waste, to honor history and location. I then learned about the environmental impact of our food choices and how to balance nutrition and budget. Now it’s time to take what I’ve learned as a
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Why Plants Rule
My Responsibilities as a Chef Part Two: Respecting Nutrition, Environment, Budget
In my first post about My Responsibilities as a Chef Part One, I talked about the history of the culinary arts. My training in culinary school gave me the foundation to respect the history of this art. I learned to make everything delicious. I learned to waste nothing and to respect season and location. This
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Why Plants Rule
Can We Fight Cancer with Food? Tips from Lori Bumbaco, Plant-Based Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist
The debate over the relationship between diet and cancer-prevention has been going on for decades. On one hand, you have doctors and scientists pointing to countless studies showing the correlation between poor nutrition and cancer cell growth. On the other hand, you have huge Dairy and Meat industries, whose reach spans from the school lunch program to the a pink-lid breast cancer campaign.
Science shows there is real power in preventing cancer through a colorful plant-focused diet.
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Why Plants Rule
“There’s No Turning Back”: Allyson S., 27 year-old plant-based rockstar
“I thought 25 is supposed to be the time of your life when you feel like a rock star. I didn’t.” Meet Allyson Allyson is a 27 year old woman who adopted a plant-based diet for health reasons. She didn’t have a major heart attack, wage a battle with cancer, nor receive a diagnosis of
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Why Plants Rule
Spice Essentials Guide: Chef’s Tips for How to Use Spices for Delicious, Healthy Cooking
My Spice Essentials Guide. Get basic spice flavors, beginner tips, exotic ideas, and learn the sniff test.
Spices are essential for creating delicious flavors in any kitchen. Yet, when you’re eating a healthy, whole foods, plant-based diet, they become even more important. Rather than relying on fat, salt, or refined oils, spices help make tasty recipes.