• Is 90% Good Enough? What we can learn from the Reducetarian Approach and Blue Zones about Vegan Diets

    Is 90% Good Enough? Sometimes the idea of a 100% vegan diet can seem so overwhelming that it detracts us from the big picture.  The all-or-nothing approach might appeal to some, especially those of us who thrive off of extremes and set boundaries.  However, the totally plant-based lifestyle is foreign to our traditional Standard American

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  • Can We Fight Cancer with Food? Tips from Lori Bumbaco, Plant-Based Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist

    Can we fight cancer with food? Some of you are saying “Duh”. And some of you aren’t so sure. The debate over the relationship between diet and cancer-prevention has been going on for decades.  On one hand, you have doctors and scientists pointing to countless studies showing the correlation between poor nutrition and cancer cell

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  • Spice Essentials Guide: Chef’s Tips for How to Use Spices for Delicious, Healthy Cooking

    My Spice Essentials Guide. Get basic spice flavors, beginner tips, exotic ideas, and learn the sniff test.
    Spices are essential for creating delicious flavors in any kitchen. Yet, when you’re eating a healthy, whole foods, plant-based diet, they become even more important. Rather than relying on fat, salt, or refined oils, spices help make tasty recipes.

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